Companies deploy IT systems to make the supply chain faster and more efficient. This information technology enables organizations to set up a network and link processes. The main goal is to optimize and synchronize supply and demand. This is done by comparing the two process cycles of supply and demand between IT systems. The optimization of the overall IT platform involves determining the core processes and business functions of the organization. A creation of collaborative IT systems that connect to different parts of the supply chain. Setting up the internal IT system platform and defining the IT roadmap for the company. The IT system is a building block within the supply chain, intended to optimally plan supply and demand. The IT systems must fit seamlessly within the current and future needs of the company.
Underestimated process in the supply chain.
The planning between supply and demand is crucial for a business process and therefore a primary process. If these are not properly coordinated, the process will not run smoothly and turnover will be lost. There are also processes that are not primary but that support the primary process. These are often forgotten when optimizing the IT systems within the supply chain.
Secondary processes include, for example, administration, personnel and organization, or maintenance. Simple research in the Internet indicates that packaging is not mentioned in the primary process, but also not in the secondary process. However, this is strange since you cannot store or distribute products without packaging.
IT systems and packaging
What we, Tconsult, often see is that there are many IT systems on the market that have their own specialism. They have often their specialism in the supply and demand or production optimization. These IT systems are specialized in supply chain, but also these companies forget that packaging is necessary within the supply chain.
Tconsult is specialized in packaging processes and their optimization. Most companies have reared their supply chain to supply and demand but have (too) little control over their packaging processes. As an independent specialist, Tconsult looks at the packaging process within the company. How can a company optimize its packaging flows within the existing supply chain? We can offer a consultancy project for the more complex supply chains. For the smaller and clearer supply chains, TellApe can directly implement in current processes.
Packaging system TellApe
Tconsult has many years of experience in packaging and developed its own IT system for packaging; TellApe. TellApe is a stand-alone IT system specifically aimed at packaging registration and administration. TellApe can be used in addition to the optimized IT systems that companies already use. The information that emerges from supply and demand can strengthen the packaging administration. The information of the supply and demand is the underlying basis for good packaging administration. Are you curious how that would apply on the workplace? We are happy to explain how this works and how your IT systems can be optimized with packaging administration.